There are many things that are like special bonuses in my life. It is a special bonus to be able to work in an office that has a window. And not only do I have a window, but I have one with a lovely view.

If you look out the other direction, you can see a large tree. Nailed to this tree is a little plaque that always makes me laugh.

That is pretty noteworthy if you ask me. :-)
If you look out the other direction, you can see a large tree. Nailed to this tree is a little plaque that always makes me laugh.
"Noteworthy Tree" It tells passers-by. But what gets me is that it doesn't tell you WHY it has been named noteworthy.
I have learned the answer to my question though. It is "Noteworthy" because this tree that stands outside my office window is the largest White Oak in Virginia. Children come to see it on field trips. I'm even told that George Washington used to tie his horse to this tree (which is actually a real possibility since he used to be on the vestry for the church that I work at).
I have learned the answer to my question though. It is "Noteworthy" because this tree that stands outside my office window is the largest White Oak in Virginia. Children come to see it on field trips. I'm even told that George Washington used to tie his horse to this tree (which is actually a real possibility since he used to be on the vestry for the church that I work at).
Have you ever been told that you were noteworthy? Or special? I'm sure that some time or another we've all been told that there is something special about us, and hopefully deep down we know this to be true about ourselves. But do we always know why? I fear that many people go through life being told from time to time that they are special, but not knowing why. And when you don't know why, you begin to doubt it.
Do you know why you're special? I do. I am special because God has made me so. He died and arose from the dead, paying the debt that I owed because of my sin, and reconciling me to himself, because he loves me! His Spirit is in me, and He is growing me into an Oak of Righteousness for the display of His splendor. (Isaiah 61).
Do you know why you're special? I do. I am special because God has made me so. He died and arose from the dead, paying the debt that I owed because of my sin, and reconciling me to himself, because he loves me! His Spirit is in me, and He is growing me into an Oak of Righteousness for the display of His splendor. (Isaiah 61).
That is pretty noteworthy if you ask me. :-)
Thanks Elizabeth. You are right. How silly we can be. I am guilty of this far too often. I forget how truely unique and absolutely wonderful we all are and get lost in self pity. Thank you for the encouragement. You rock!
thank you for reminding that i am, that we are, special, elizabeth. our God is awesome!
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