But for now, I will share my current thought on Halloween. I think the decorations are creepy and icky! Seriously... I spend a lot of time trying to make my home a lovely, comfortable place to live. Why on earth would someone want to decorate it with spiders, skulls, blood, and deadness? Gross!
My next door neighbors have a few Halloween decorations up. Thankfully nothing too terrible. But I do have this guy peeking in my kitchen window at me.
Ps. Funny story... I was curious about where the term "Peeping Tom" came from. According to Wikipedia... he died for his peeping. So it kind of makes sense now to have a dead peeping Tom.
That doesn't mean I want him around.
I agree that Halloween decorations are just creepy! I don't do anything Halloweeny...I just put out a few pumpkins and gourds and usually we carve a pumpking with our daughter. We take her trick-or-treating and that's it!
It's funny that Tom died for his peeping. How fitting!
I read your serious post and it looks like you were in Thailand? Wow. I can totally see where you were coming from regarding the "darkness".
I think you have a good, non-scary, balanced way to spend the holiday where your daughter will feel like she's not missing out. I know a lot of families who will have absolutely nothing of the holiday, and the kids end up feeling like they missed out on the fun. Balance is good.
Yes, I spent a year teaching in Thailand. Actually, that is when I started the blog! It was truly an incredible time, and i grew a lot in who I am. I am always thankful I got that opportunity, and someday I would LOVE to go back.
I totally agree, too, that Halloween decorations are icky and creepy! It's started coming to Europe and I'm not a fan! I don't like them at all!
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