Friday, January 7, 2011

You gotta be kidding me. Seriously?

Okay, I have a story about this photo.

Are you ready?

I pass by this tree when I'm walking to my car from my office. It is a beautiful, old tree. Usually I see an average of 6 squirrels and countless little birds climbing up and down and playing in the branches, at any given time. It is a popular tree among the local wildlife. I will often stop for a moment and watch the little animals scurrying around.

Yesterday, as I was walking past the tree, I looked up and saw a HUGE hawk perched on one of the low  branches. It was an absolutely beautiful creature, and so close! Since I have been participating in a 365 photos project I have been carrying my camera with me much more frequently. I felt super awesome as a whipped out my camera and started snapping away. He sat still for a while and let me indulge in photographing such a rare and beautiful sight, but then after a few minutes he flaunted his great wingspan and took flight, flying right over my head. It was breathtaking.

Once the hawk was gone I of course was anxious to look at the treasures on my camera. I hit the review button and what was displayed? Not the beautiful photos I had just taken, but a little error message reading "No Memory Card". NOOOoooooo!

Yes.... I had taken the memory card out to upload some photos, and had forgotten to put it back in. So now all I have to share with you is an empty tree.


Photography said...

OH poor you!!!!!! Oh man it always happens like that :-(

Wendy Kaye said...

Oh, BUMMER!!!....My frustration is when the batteries die in the middle of a good photo shoot!! :p

Ann said...

aww, too bad you didn't get a picture of the bird! i've had the no memory card happen to me too. at least you got a picture of that big, beautiful tree!

ELeeds said...

Haha, I feel paranoid now, always checking and double checking that I have a fully charged battery and that the memory card is in the camera!

Bunch of Barrons said...

Mine won't let me shoot without my card. BUT...I have definitely tried it before I was rudely reminded by a big error message. :)

Ms. Becky said...

Ha! that's a familiar story. can't count the number of times that's happened to me. I cannot take a pic w/o it. One time I went to take a photo and found that my batteries had fallen out.
if it's not one thing it's your mother.
but this is a beautiful gnarly tree, reaching out in all different directions. love the story!

Natalie said...

Oh no! I shared a story similar to this one on new years! I had lugged my 20 lb camera bag all th way to my mother in laws...sat and enjoyed music for a good hour and ate, then when I pulled out the camera eager to get some family shots of people we barley see..i turn it on to see Big yellow words flashing NO CARD..NO CARD!! I was kinda mad..sad..all that in between BUT life goes on. Sorry this happened to you dear! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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